Hello, Iā€™m Betsy!

My journey into the healing arts began with a love of nature, a pursuit of knowledge, and a longing to serve something greater than myself. Along the way I discovered an ancient wisdom that sparked an inner awakening and completely transformed my life. For nearly a decade now, I have devoted my life to studying and practicing the holistic healing modalities of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedic Astrology, and everything they contain: massage therapy, bodywork, energy work, nutrition, and herbalism.

One of the greatest lessons I have learned along the way is to embrace every experience, good and bad, as a blessing. The obstacles we face in life are challenging, but ultimately they are what shape us, teach us, and encourage us to grow more than anything else. Difficult life events are what led me to yoga. From there I started traveling down the path of self-inquiry and self-healing and eventually discovered Ayurveda. Looking back, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I received my clinical Ayurvedic training under the renowned Dr. Vasant Lad, at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM. Having excelled in my studies, I was awarded a scholarship by the board of directors, and upon graduation given the opportunity to travel to Pune, India as a student and teaching assistant for the Institute's Panchakarma Training Program.

During my time in India, my innate gift for hands-on healing became undeniably clear. So in 2017 when I returned to my hometown of Wadsworth, Ohio, I not only started my Ayurvedic practice, but began studying massage therapy at Stark State College. What I love about my work is that I am able to use my intuitive nature and weave together Ayurvedic clinical knowledge and western anatomy and physiology to offer my clients a true holistic healing experience.

Before entering the healing arts, my passion was for healing the planet. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Conservation, I spent 10 years working in the environmental field. Much of that time was spent in beautiful Sonoma County, California, a place that will always hold a special place in my heart. Nature was the first to teach me about the interconnectedness of all living things and will always be one of my greatest sources of inspiration and healing.

Betsy is a professional member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and meets the currently established NAMA criteria for education and experience (over 1500 + hours) as a Certified Ayurveda Practitioner)This level of Ayurvedic professional has full clinical training in disease pathology, as seen through the Ayurvedic model. These professionals also practice prevention and health promotion through the focus on diet and lifestyle. NAMA Ayurvedic Practitioner level is the highest recognized credential for an Ayurvedic Practitioner in the United States.

Betsy is licensed by the State Medical Board of Ohio as a Massage Therapist.
Ohio Massage License # 33.024633


Abdominal Therapy for Professionals: 1 & 2, Molly Deutschbein, 2021Massage Therapy Certificate, Stark State College, 2019
NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, The Ayurvedic Institute, 2016
Panchakarma Therapist, The Ayurvedic Instutite (India), 2016  
Certified Yoga Teacher, 200 hr, Sacred Ground Yoga, 2014
Reiki Level 1, Chico, CA, 2007

Certificate of Watershed Management, Santa Rosa College, 2009
Bachelor of Science: Conservation, Kent State University, 2003